Care & Prayer | Starpoint Church

Whether people are celebrating life or surviving a crisis, we care deeply about each person at Starpoint. The Care & Prayer Team offers support to these people in a variety of ways. 

Prayer Team: At Starpoint, we desire to share God’s heart for His people. We want to rejoice when you rejoice and weep when you weep. Our prayer team comes alongside our church family as they talk to God. Do you have a heart to intercede for those who are struggling? If so, consider joining our prayer team.

Meal Provision Team: From time to time people in our church family are in need of a meal train. Our meal provision team is made up of people who love to cook! They’re the people we call on to take turns bringing meals to those who are recovering from an illness, surgery, birth, or are going through a particularly difficult time. (Since this is on an add-needed basis, we encourage you to sign up for a regular Sunday serving team as well!)

Helps Team: These are the people who can lend a hand to single moms, the elderly, and others in our church who could use help around the home every now and then. Have tools or a truck? Join us! (Since this is on an add-needed basis, we encourage you to sign up for a regular Sunday serving team as well!)

Volunteer Food Area: These are the people who take care of the volunteer food area for those people who are serving in other areas at church!