Don’t do life alone!
Join a Support Group
Many of us go through difficult times in our lives—times of crisis and great pain. Other times we struggle because we are dealing with the physical, material or emotional consequences of choices we have made. And sometimes we deal with difficulties brought into our lives because others have hurt us deeply. Support Groups can help.
“You’re not alone on your journey”

A 12-Step Jesus-centered, biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits by walking through them authentically with Jesus, sharing with others, and helping us face and resolve the problem behind our pain.
Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

A 13-week grief recovery group. Receive comfort and hope in a loving, accepting environment. Guided by those who understand the deep pain and challenges of grief. Built upon biblical principles and Jesus Christ as the foundation for healing.
Mondays @ 6:00pm
A 9-week course that provides a proven plan to establish a budget, crush debt, build wealth, and live and give with outrageous generosity. This is your opportunity to bring peace into your life and take control of your finances to become DEBT FREE!
Starting February 24th | Mondays @ 6:30pm
A 13-week support group for those hurting after a divorce or marital separation, consisting of spiritually-based videos followed by a discussion to help you deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.
Starting March 31st | Mondays @6:00pm
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I join a group at any time?
Yes…this group is designed so you can join at any time.
I’m not religious. Should I come?
Even though GriefShare is based on Christian principles, people from all faiths and even those who are not religious have found hope and healing by attending. The practical advice from counselors, pastors, and healthcare professionals applies to anyone.
What if I’m not comfortable sharing?
That’s perfectly fine! No one is required to talk or share. People usually find that it helps to express their concerns, ask questions, and share their stories, but you are welcome to come and simply listen to others’ experiences and the expert advice from the videos.
Is childcare available?
Childcare is not available at this time.
What is Celebrate Freedom?
Meeting weekly, anyone is able to attend. Celebrate Freedom is a biblical and balanced program to help people overcome their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Whatever is behind the pain in your life, Celebrate Freedom helps you face and resolve the problem behind the pain. Anonymity is respected and is a priority so you can be real and truly heal.
What age groups are appropriate for participation?
Ages 18 and above.
Are there groups for men and women?
The small groups are gender-specific.
Is DivorceCare right for me?
DivorceCare was created to help people find hope and healing after divorce or separation. We’ll cover topics each week like anger, grief, loneliness and others that are relevant and relatable to your situation.
Will I be accepted at DivorceCare?
People at DivorceCare are there because they, too, are looking for help and support in a caring, safe place. Everyone is welcome, no matter what circumstances led to the breakup and no matter what your current marital status.
What if I’m nervous about going the first time?
Those feelings go away quickly for most people, usually during the first session they attend. DivorceCare is a warm, caring environment designed to help you.
Is GriefShare for people with a specific type of loss?
GriefShare is for everyone who is grieving the death of a loved one—whether you’ve experienced the loss of a spouse, parent, child (infant, young child, teen, adult, unborn), friend, sibling, coworker, or other relative.
What happens during a typical group meeting?
Each week you’ll view a 30-minute video on a grief-related topic, featuring valuable insights from counselors, pastors, and others who’ve lost a loved one. Then your group will discuss the video and how it applies to your lives. You’ll also receive a book with helpful tips and exercises for personal support throughout the week.
How does GriefShare compare with other grief support options?
While other grief support sites may offer a phone or video consultation with a professional, we have found a group support setting to be crucial for healing. One-on-one counsel is certainly helpful, but a more complete healing is found in the context of having people walk alongside you on the grief journey.
What is the FPU membership?
When you purchase a Financial Peace University (FPU) membership, you receive all the class materials and access to the FPU online resources you need to succeed. Your membership means that you can attend the FPU class as often as you like.
What happens during a typical group meeting?
Each class session lasts approximately an hour and a half. For the first half of the class, Dave Ramsey teaches on DVD. During the second half, class members come together for a small-group discussion and hands-on activities. Group members support and encourage each other as they work to change their financial futures.
Will I need to share any personal financial information?
A couple of times throughout the nine lessons, we will collect financial data to get a cumulative financial view of the class. This data is strictly confidential and will not be tied to any personally identifiable information. While encouraged for the best experience and success, this is optional.