Why Free | Starpoint Church

You are here right now because you attended a community event. First, I want to thank you for participating and being involved in our community. What makes a community great is the people who make it up. In a great community people look out for each other. They don’t just look out for their own needs, they look out for the needs of others. In fact, that’s why our church was at this community event. We want to be a good neighbor.  We don’t want to just talk about love we want to show it. We don’t want to do random acts of kindness, instead we strive for intentional acts of service. Our community doesn’t NEED free concessions, but as a church we NEED to be rich in good deeds.

So why is it free? You’re probably wondering what the catch is…your “totally free” checking somehow costs you a lot of money each month…or that last free car wash cost you a new paint job. Free is enticing, but we are skeptical…because your momma always told you…if it is too good to be true…it probably is.  It is true that free stuff always costs someone something. Our freedom costs soldiers their lives. The presents we give at Christmas, birthdays, or just because are free to our loved ones, but they cost us. We give those gifts with no strings attached as an act of our love. The same was true today.  It was free because we wanted you to know that we love you…no strings attached.

We aren’t the only ones who love you…God loved you so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for you and me. His love is a FREE gift…all you have to do is accept it. Just like you accepted our free gift to you today. That love of Jesus that He so freely gives compels us toward kindness and good. We invite you to explore who this first century Jew named Jesus was. Was this figure that we date all of time by really who He said He was?

Whatever your beliefs about God, whatever your thoughts on church, you are welcome at Northstar Church. We would love to help you explore more of who Jesus is.

Thanks for being part of our great community! Make sure to say “Hi!” at the next community event and introduce yourself to the person you are sitting next to. It’s our relationships that make our community that much better!